Tuesday 6 October 2009

Tues 6th October

Have you had one of those days? It has rained hard all day - my washing basket is full,but I can't wash because I can't get things dry- the drier is behind all the bookcases in the garage. Don't ask me why we have our bookcases in the drier, it would take too long to answer. Jasper has been a bit of a hooligan today. he shreds everything he can get hold of and the house looks like a litterbin a lot of the time. Kev's out tonight and I had a million, well four, things to do and I have done 2. I haven't done my homework for art yet - looks like I'll be up late.
I had a lovely weekend. I had to go to a National Conference for the Trefoil Guild and I didn't really know anybody very well, if at all, so I was quite apprehensive. However, the drive down through the Peak District was lovely. All the trees were just beginning to show their autumn colours and the sun was shining. - just my kind of day! The conference centre was OK, at least I had my own room and the sessions were interesting. As always with guide functions, we stayed up far too late and had plenty of laughs. I did miss the younger people though, as most of the Trefoil are over 60 in age if not in spirit. Last night I had another meeting in Manchester and have two more this week, so I'll be absolutely sick of meetings!!
This afternoon it was praise and play for the little ones. Some of them have moved on to school this term but we have several new ones who are quite small. I took my 'harvest' bag with me and took out a banana, onion, potato etc. Where does all the food come from? Tesco's, of course!!
Well, I'd better get my homework done as Jasper is having a little nap. I've just discovered a jazz programme on the radio so I'm enjoying that while I am writing.

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