Wednesday 4 February 2009

weds. 4th February

Still coughing and spluttering and feeling sorry for myself. It's still very cold outside so I haven't been out as I lose my breath. Poor old me! I had to miss my art class, so I decided to spend the morning finshing off two of my pieces. The first one is a pastel drawing of a blue tit and it doesn't loo too bad. The second is a watercolour of a sky scrape. I' m not too happy with that. Like my last watercolour, the sky is quite good but I don't like the buildings. I don't think I've got the angles right and that's down to draughtsmanship. I was going to show them here, but then I looked at my friend's blog and hers are so much better!!! So I won't. Next week we are starting an oil portrait.which I think will be hard for me, but we'll see. I think that I'd better practise drawing faces this week. Nothing else to say - I'm in the middle of a novel which I didn't think I'd like, but am actually quite enjoying. I can't remember the title or the author off hand! Time to go for today!

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