Sunday, 19 February 2012

what shall I do?

I have a huge list of things to do and don't know where to start! Shall I write my 60+ newsletter?....shall I bake the cakes for Monday?......shall I read my newspaper?.....shall I wash the kitchen floor, paint a picture, paint my toenails, brush my spaniel??????
I started by reading my husband's blog, which I quite enjoy, so I thought that I'd look at mine. To my horror, I haven't written a post since May 2010! Quel horreur!
What shall I write? Well, this morning I had my hair cut and a blow dry and don't like it very much. Then, to celebrate, I went to tesco's to do a big shop. How I hate that place!!!! Came back for lunch, had a long chat with my friend on the phone,watched Master chef on TV and now I have to do something a little more useful.
I don't know where this week has gone. Monday disappeared under a cloud of laundry, Tuesday and Wednesday I did a bit of this and a bit of that, with a girlguiding Manchester executive in the evening. Thursday, I went to visit a Trefoil Guild in the afternoon and it was our own guild last night. I enjoyed both of them. In the afternoon we had a Thinking Day quiz which was really good as we had to put the answers on a large map of the world. When we had finished, it was clear how far Guiding has spread around the world- and this was just the vision of one man- incredible! At our Guild we made easter cards which have turned out very nicely! It's been a pretty boring week so far, apart from yesterday, but it all hots up again from Sunday onwards. Then I will be looking for some time to myself again.
I'm really going to try to keep this blog going. I used to enjoy writing it and I have just got out of the habit. We'll see - maybe I'll even make it more interesting. Watch this space!!

1 comment:

Kevin Hall said...

Nice to see you back!