Monday 8 February 2010

grey Monday

It's another grey day here in Hadfield and I have only ventured out to collect my prescription. I don't know where the time has gone - I had a mammoth ironing session this morning and was going to do some housework, but got waylaid. I had to get things ready for our toddler group tomorrow. We're doing the story of Adam and Eve and I was trying to think of a craft. We usually make a snake out of old socks, but I haven't any left. I thought of making a spiral snake, but the children are very little. So I have drawn them each a snake outline and they can colour it and stick stickers on - how original is that? - not very, I'm afraid.
I had a lovely time on Friday night. I went back to a town where I had been Commissioner for Guides. They were having a dinner to celebrate our centenary and I was giving the after dinner speech!!!! I was absolutely petrified and suffering from total lack of sleep through worrying, but it went down very well, thankfully. Perhaps I've found a new career. I met so many people I haven't seen for ages - it was really good.
I'm a bit sad today because one of our great jazz musicians has died - Johnny Dankworth. I do enjoy jazz and he was someone I could listen to for a long time, along with his wife, Cleo Laine. His son and daughter are both jazz musicians, so hopefully they will carry on his music.
Well, Jasper and I are on our own tonight. K has gone to his digital imaging class and I will be washing up and watching Coronation Street. Jasper hasn't been himself for the last few days. He was very sick on Thursday night, so we took him to the vets on Friday and he couldn't find anything. On Saturday, he didn't want to eat and yesterday and today he's been a bit better, but a little quiet. So we'll go downstairs and make a coffee and have a snuggle!

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