Saturday 16 January 2010

Saturday, 16th Sept

Another week has passed, full of snow, ice and slush! We've been complaining about it, of course - I don't know what we Brits would talk about if it wasn't for the weather! Then we hear about the terrible disaster in Haiti, and it puts your own moans and groans into some sort of perspective. Although the disaster is terrible, the true human spirit seems to come to the fore at these times - we hear about people just taking leave from their jobs to go and help, because they have skills or equipment which are needed. I just hope that the help is there after the initial input, because it takes such a long time for people to rebuild their lives and regain some sort of normality. It makes me feel so useless when all I can do is offer money.
Things are getting back to normal here as well - meetings have started up again and also my art class. I got a compliment from my tutor this week, so I was well 'chuffed' AND I actually finished a picture. I was so happy that I came home and painted a small watercolour for my sister's birthday. I know she'll like it - she better had!
Well, I must go now to do some shopping and have lunch out then come back and play with my beautiful little spaniel.

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